Course quality
Evaluation of students, undergraduates and graduates
Through the evaluation it is possible to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of a course of studies. The informative context on university paths is very wide and articulated. Following are three different surveys that express the opinions of students, graduating students and graduated on: educational activities, the training process and placement in the workplace after graduation.
Evaluation of teaching by students
It is also possible to see the results on the evaluation of the didactics of the study courses in Geological Sciences and Technologies expressed by the enrolled students.
Evaluation of the undergraduates of the degree courses in Geological Sciences and Technologies
AlmaLaurea is a service run by a Consortium of 64 Italian Universities with the support of MIUR, which makes graduates available online in the curriculum vitae and is a meeting point for graduates, universities and companies, to facilitate young people's access to the world of work, facilitate companies in the recruitment of personnel, minimize the time required to meet the demand for and supply of skilled labor.
The Profile of the graduates presents the photograph of the human capital released by the University, through the analysis of some important aspects, such as social origin, upper secondary studies, study conditions, regularity in studies, evaluation of university experience, linguistic and IT knowledge , future perspectives.
Evaluation of graduates of the study courses in Geological Sciences and Technologies
The employment status of graduates, however, monitors the employment of graduates, up to the first five years after graduation and is a very useful tool for assessing the effectiveness of the university system and measuring the appreciation of the world of work in comparisons of graduates.